JERK Bracket 2013 Profiles

These are 64 of the biggest jerks of the last year and our reasoning for including them. Who will follow in the footsteps of Bettye Fine Collins and Doug Brewer, and be crowned Champion of the 100 WAPI JERK Bracket? You decide!

DOUG BREWER REGION (National Politicians)

1. Barack Obama – the President of the United States, for winning reelection and generally doing everything he can to dismantle the country piece by piece.

2. Susan Rice – the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, for propagating incorrect stories about what happened in the Sept. 2012 attacks on our embassy in Benghazi.

3. Eric Holder – the Attorney General of the United States, for his failure to enforce laws he doesn't agree with and his involvement in scandals like Operation Fast and Furious.

4. Mitt Romney – the Republican candidate for President of the United States, for running a subpar campaign and saying dumb things like "I'm not concerned about the very poor" and "binders full of women."

5. John McCain – the Republican Senator from Arizona, for calling conservative senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz "wacko birds."

6. Hillary Clinton – the former Secretary of State, for failing to properly answer any questions about the embassy attack in Benghazi.

7. John Roberts – the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, for stretching to interpret Obamacare so as to make it constitutional.

8. Joe Biden – the Vice President of the United States, for his outrageous campaign statement that Republicans would put African-Americans "back in chains."

9. Jay Carney – the White House Press Secretary, for constantly dodging questions when challenged by the media on Obama Administration policies.

10. Chuck Hagel – the new Secretary of Defense, for his questionable track record on Israel and defense spending.

11. Elizabeth Warren – the Democratic Senator from Massachusetts, for her questionable claim of Native American Heritage, which came to light during her 2012 campaign against Scott Brown.

12. Grover Norquist – the president of Americans for Tax Reform, for forcing his no-tax pledge on politicians, creating a major obstacle to compromise on taxes.

13. Todd Akin – the former U.S. Representative from Missouri, for likely costing the Republicans a seat in the Senate by dropping what may have been the gaffe of 2012, saying women who are victims of "legitimate rape" rarely get pregnant.

14. Nancy Pelosi – the Democratic U.S. Representative from California, for saying incorrectly in a Fox News interview that gun ownership was protected by the First Amendment.

15. Sheila Jackson-Lee – the Democratic U.S. Representative from Texas, for saying on the House floor in February 2013 that she is a "freed slave."

16. Clint Eastwood – the actor and director, for making a mockery of himself and the Republican National Convention by delivering a speech to an empty chair.

SHELIA TYSON REGION (Pop Culture and Sports)

1. Lance Armstrong – the disgraced cyclist, for lying about using PEDs throughout his career and losing his seven Tour de France titles.

2. Manti Te'o – the former Notre Dame linebacker, for carrying on a relationship with a non-existent girlfriend and allowing the media to make a spectacle of the story after she supposedly died.

3. Alec Baldwin – the 30 Rock actor, for going on a racist rant against a New York Post photographer, and not being held accountable for it by the media.

4. Sean Penn – the Academy Award-winning actor, for his defense of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

5. Kim Kardashian – the socialite, for continuing to subject the world to her reality shows.

6. PSY – the South Korean entertainer who brought us "Gangnam Style", for his history of anti-American remarks.

7. Ray Lewis – the retired Baltimore Ravens linebacker, for being glorified by a media who have all but forgotten his prominent role in a double-murder.

8. Dennis Rodman – the retired NBA star, for travelling to North Korea and dancing to Michael Jackson music with Kim Jong Un.

9. Bobby Petrino – the former Arkansas Razorbacks head football coach, for cheating on his wife with a staffer, getting fired and subjecting the college football world to John L. Smith.

10. Charles Barkley – the former Auburn and NBA star, for going on TNT's pregame show and pretending to have been mugged by Alabama football players.

11. Elton John – the music legend, for cancelling his concert in Birmingham due to "health concerns."

12. Kanye West – the musician, for procreating with Kim Kardashian.

13. Lindsay Lohan – the actress, for a never-ending string of crime and substance abuse.

14. Lena Dunham – the actress and star of HBO's Girls, for saying during the presidential campaign that voting for the first time (for President Obama) is like losing your virginity.

15. Brent Musberger – the ESPN announcer, for creepily calling undue attention to Alabama quarterback AJ McCarron's girlfirend Katherine Webb.

16. Alex Rodriguez – the New York Yankees third-baseman, for continuing to cast a cloud over baseball due to his suspected use of performance enhancing drugs.

LARRY LANGFORD REGION (Newsmakers and Media)

1. Piers Morgan – the CNN host, for his criticism of America's desire to protect the freedom to bear arms.

2. Michael Bloomberg – the Mayor of New York City, for his attempts to implement a Nanny State in which you can't buy a Big Gulp soda, eat transfats or listen to music with your ear buds.

3. Al Sharpton – the activist and commentator, for continual efforts to incite racial strife, most recently surrounding the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin incident.

4. Michelle Obama – the First Lady of the United States, for going on lavish vacations at the tax payer's expense.

5. Sandra Fluke – the attorney and activist, for her statement that the government should provide contraception, which was made a centerpiece at the Republican National Convention.

6. Karl Rove – the political strategist and commentator, for his criticism of Fox News calling the election for President Obama when it was obvious Obama had won.

7. Kim Jong Un – the Supreme Leader of North Korea, for his shows of aggression since taking over the office after the death of his father.

8. Chuck Todd – the NBC chief White House correspondent, for his embodiment of the left-leaning mainstream media, even claiming the idea that there's an anti-conservative media is "mythology."

9. Bob Woodward – the investigative journalist, for pushing the idea that the sequester was the idea of the Obama Administration, not of Congress, as the administration attempted to claim.

10. François Hollande – the Socialist President of France, for attempting to levy a 75% tax on the richest citizens in his country, touting the policy as "fiscal justice."

11. Alex Jones – the talk radio host, for his embarassing defense of gun rights during an appearance on CNN with Piers Morgan.

12. Candy Crowley – the CNN host, for helping President Obama make a point during his town hall presidential debate against Mitt Romney.

13. Benedict XVI – the Pope Emeritus of the Roman Catholic Church, for being a quitter.

14. Donald Trump – the business magnate, for his "big announcement" during the presidential campaign in which he offered to donate $5 million to a charity of President Obama's choice in exchange for the release of his college and passport applications.

15. Touré – co-host of MSNBC's The Cycle, for accusing Mitt Romney of engaging in the n____-ization of Barack Obama by calling him "angry" in a campaign speech.

16. Hilary Rosen – the lobbyist and Democratic pundit, for her comments during the presidential campaign that Ann Romney "has never worked a day in her life."


1. John Rogers – the Democratic State Representative from Birmingham, for scaring the crap out of old, poor people by claiming they wouldn't have access to medical care after Cooper Green transitioned to an urgent care facility.

2. Joey Kennedy – the Alabama Media Group columnist, for being wildly out of touch with his generally conservative readership, and often asserting that those who disagree with him are stupid or mean.

3. Charles Allen Head – the radio talk show caller, for suing Matt Murphy and Jacob Allison.

4. Dale Peterson – the former candidate for State Agriculture Commissioner, for allegedly stealing beer from Walmart.

5. Henry Mabry – the Executive Secretary of AEA, for failing to represent the needs of students and inciting fear over the Alabama Accountability Act.

6. Robert Bentley – the Governor of Alabama, for his uncanny resemblance to Montgomery Burns.

7. Shadrack McGill – the Republican State Senator from Scottsboro, for comparing abortion to destroying an eagle egg.

8. Mary Moore – the Democratic State Representative from Birmingham, for claiming the Alabama Accountability Act would create "a new confederacy where a bunch of white men are now going to take over black schools."

9. Spencer Bachus – the Republican U.S. Representative from Birmingham, for winning yet another election despite controversy surrounding alleged insider trading.

10. Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh – the President of the Alabama Public Service Commission, for failing to articulate what the PSC actually does.

11. Del Marsh – the Republican State Senator from Anniston, for allegedly circumventing the rules of the Senate to pass the Alabama Accountability Act.

12. Charles Price – the Montgomery Circuit Judge, for granting a restraining order that prevented the signing of the Alabama Accountability Act, a ruling later thrown out by the Alabama Supreme Court.

13. William Bell – the Mayor of Birmingham, for his role in moving the Barons downtown.

14. Don from Downtown – the talk radio show caller, for constantly typing in ALL CAPS on Twitter and Facebook.

15. Edward Maddox – the former Birmingham Board of Education President, for using his office for personal gain.

16. George Bowman – the Jefferson County Commissioner, for regularly voting against the needs of his constituents and misleading the public on issues surrounding Cooper Green and Jefferson County bankruptcy.

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